Emotional Resolution shifts and heals disruptive emotional patterns.
Patterns like anxiety, anger and fear and other stressful emotions are created by habits and patterns that are learned over time that we are often not even aware of it taking place in our subconscious mind. Emotional resolution sessions give us the opportunity to shift our patterns that are created in our mind allowing a more joyful, calm and relaxing emotional state.
What I love about emotional resolution is that we are not at the mercy of our emotions. Our body has the innate ability to resolve stressful emotional patterns permanently with out returning to the past emotional trigger or high stress event. Emotional Resolution is a holistic approach so it is done in a very safe and supported environment and there is no need to look back at the responses and patterned that have been learned over time. Allowing us the opportunity to change the disruptive response to fully support emotional healing.
Emotional Resolution has the capacity to fully support you and creates the opportunity for a better quality of life.
Anxiety Fear Grief
Depression Phobias Overwhelm
Anger Avoidance Worry
PTSD Social Anxiety Self Doubt
Inhibitions Sabotage Suppressing
Sadness Panic Attacks Performance
Jealousy Low Energy
Grudges Feeling Stuck
What happens during an EmRes Session?
Your Emotional Resolution Session is as easy as casual conversation with a friend that takes place on Zoom or over the phone.
Together we will go through a precise process called viscero-somatic quieting allowing the body's natural capacity to resolve disruptive emotions.
Results are immediate and permanent without having to retrigger stressful situations or know the details that lead to these disruptive emotions.
A FREE follow up appointment is provided after each session to ensure positive results and to support your healing journey.
Sessions are $75 (including the follow up)
© 2020 Lauryn Marion